Two offerings with Chocolate! Go see the website!-- Right now~ ! Be sure to check out the "classes" option--good stuff on there and more all the time. The schedule is on the "calendar". You can register and pay right on line from the website now--whew!
I'm wonderfully busy in August--A Zentangle class for Genesee Parks District at the park in Flint, the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, a WONDERFUL class ("Repurposed Books" on the 13th) taught by another of our nationally known teachers, then off to Ecuador with my sister on a tour of healers and music, led by my good friend and midwife, Janice Marsh Prelesnik. Some of you know her better as Granny Janny--maker of the remarkable "green goop"!
Check out September, too. Back to school for the kids and teachers, and the schedule at the studio will get to filling up a bit. Lots of Zentangle, Soul Collage, Altered Book-y stuff, Idea Parties--and lots of play. Not only does Mom's Night Out repeat on the second Friday of the month, but look at "Through the Rabbit Hole" on the 17th!!!!!(I can't wait!--ANOTHER famous teacher!!!)
If there's something you want to learn or teach, please let me know. My email is The more the merrier!
I don't see a link to your website?